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  • Aylin Arici

Wardrobe = Values

Fashion as a form of creative self expression?

I totally believe in the power of colours, shapes and high quality material. To me luxury is when I feel comfortable and when I can afford something of high quality that will accompany me for a long time.

Generally, I don’t like to follow trends if they aren’t in line with my personality.

When I studied fashion in London, I knew that a regular job in that industry wouldn’t make me happy.

I knew that the connection of psychology/personal development and fashion would be the thing to go for. That it’s about creative self-expression.

It’s about showing to the outside world who you are on the inside. Your style can be one medium to communicate that. That’s why to me personal style is part of someone’s personal branding.

One of my top 3 values is freedom, inner and outer, so anything loose and floaty is perfect to reflect that.

I don’t put my body in dresses or trousers that are extremely tight. I love the movement of a garment. I love to feel free.

I love to express myself creatively, freely through my style.

Have you ever thought about if and how your values reflect in your wardrobe?


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